Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2 week checkup

The last 2 weeks have been so great!  You have been a perfect little angel and Eden is so happy to have you in our family and to be sharing our attention. You are a great eater and love to be in my arms.  In fact I rarely can set you down without you wanting some love from me! Eden kisses you everytime she see's you and does a little happy dance around you.  I love to see this and can't wait for you to be the best of friends.

You are so strong and can already hold your head up. You focus in on certain things and you looks so alert and strong.  You rarely cry and are quick to be consoled once you do cry.  We are enjoying every minute with you. Even our sleepless nights. :)

We took you to the Dr. yesterday and they were amazed by your growth.  It didn't surprise me, cause you seriously would eat all day if I let you.  I call you my little avatar cause you love to stay connected to me. :)  Here are your stats from the visit

Age: 2 weeks
Date: 8/2/13
weight: 7lbs 13oz (35%)
Length: 20.3" (50%)
Head Circ: 36.9cn (91%)

You are growing fast and steady and I kind of wish you would slow down! :)

You are here! 7/27/13

Friday July 26th I started having contractions and thought you were coming that Friday.. but by the afternoon the contractions had stopped and I was left a little disappointed.  Luckily they started up again that night and by morning we were timing them and knew it was time to go to the hospital. I called your aunt holly to come at 7am to watch Eden.

We loaded the car filled with excitement and headed to Timpanogos Hospital.  I was checked in and was already dilated to a 5 but my water still hadn't broke so the Dr. gave me epidural and broke my water and you were closer to being in my arms then I even knew.  By 1pm your dad was starting to get hungry and decided to go get lunch.  I sat up my bed and started feeling dizzy and felt sick when the nurse came in and she thought she should check my progress.  Sure enough I was at a 10 and you were on your way. I had to make a quick call to your dad and he was on his way.  By the time he got back to the hospital I was starting to push and you came 15 minutes later at 1:22pm. (ironically the same room # we were assigned to) A beautiful, tiny, sweet, gorgeous little girl with some serious lungs. :)  I snuggled you and talked to you for a few minutes to calm you down and you just looked up at me with a peaceful gaze. I was IN LOVE and a weeping mess. :)

I didn't want you out of my site.. I watched emotionally from my bed as they cleaned you up and got you back to my arms.  You cried while they measured you and took your stats and when dad would talk to you, it would calm you down almost instantly. The nurses were amazed! You loved the sound of your daddy's voice.  You weighed a tiny 6lbs 15oz and were 19" long.  A perfect size for a baby born a week early. :)

For the rest of the day we just snuggled and examined your every feature.  From your beautiful round head to your long skinny feet.  We quickly decided you were more like your dad and had my lips.  You have dads coloring, earlobes, nose, eyes and chin and possibly my lips, and feet and hands. You are a PERFECT combination of the two of us and uniquely all your own perfection. We knew you were Lyla Belle from the moment you were in our arms.  The nurses and Dr's all admired your beauty and commented on how perfect your name was.  You make us proud. :)

We stayed two nights in the hospital so that we could bond uninterrupted and it was the perfect few days. I loved having you in my arms and staring at you.  Your aunt holly brought Eden to come see you on your birthday and the following days.  Eden and Aunt Holly were in love Instantly.  Your grandma Marilyn also came and showered you with love.

I'm SOOO Happy to be your mom! <3

I love you baby girl! xoxoxo