Monday, December 30, 2013

4Month Recap

Little Miss Lyla Belle we are falling more & more in love with you as time goes on.  You are such a happy little girl and you share your smile with everyone who looks at you.  Your eyes twinkle and that smile of yours takes up your whole face. It's one of the prettiest smiles we have ever seen.

You are good at making sure we show you lots of love.  Your sister Eden requires a lot of attention and you make sure you aren't forgotten.  We love your firey spirit and your desire to be close to us.  You love your sister just as much as she loves you.  You smile when she comes in the room and you quickly laugh at her silliness.  Her love for you overwhelms her (like it does all of us) and she wants to crawl under your skin to absorb you and can seem a little aggressive and overwhelming, but you handle it well and love the attention she gives.

Life with you has been such a blessing and even the hard times like your sleep schedule is quickly forgotten when you smile. You love to wake up early usually between 3-5AM and you are wide awake and ready to play. Always greeting us with a smile and singing loudly.  You really are going to  be our lead singer. You love testing out your vocals even if it's in the middle of the night.  *yawn* You cry only when we leave you alone or you are tired and hungry. You also dislike having a messy diaper and we can usually figure out what has made you upset and once we do, you are so pleasant and happy.

You are healthy and beautiful and loved by all of us.  Your 4month appointment was a success and here is your report.

Age: 4 months
Date: 12/6/13
Weight: 15lbs (60%)
Length: 25" (63%)
Head Circ: 43.2cm (96%)

Monday, September 2, 2013

"Oh Lyla"

 It is so fun to have you part of our family and we are enjoying you so much. You are close to being 6 weeks old and it seems like it has gone by so incredibly fast.  You are growing like crazy and seem to be in a hurry to grow up and to play with your big sister.  As much as I can't wait to watch that, I am trying to enjoy these moments that go by WAY to quick.

You like to sleep with M&D and although it is scary for you to be in our bed, I sleep very lightly to ensure you are safe and sleeping soundly.  We try to put you in your bed early, and you will sleep 5-6 hours before waking up and joining us in our bed. I love hearing your little noises as you sleep.

You have started smiling.. Mostly at daddy but today I got a big one and it made me very happy.  You have a BEAUTIFUL smile.  It's big and lights up your whole face.  I'm dying to get it on camera. 

You are the cuddly baby I always wanted. You love having contact with me (us).  You need to be touched and like the feeling of security.  Although this was what I always wanted, it makes it hard to also give Eden the time and attention she needs.  While I cuddle & Feed you, she is busy testing her boundaries and unfortunately getting a blurred response from me.  We are going to have to revisit those boundaries when I have both hands available and when you are content with being set down to play by yourself.  You don't like it when I set you down and fall into a hard cry pretty quickly.. when this happens Eden always says "Oh Lyla" and wants to make you happy with kisses.  I don't like to hear your cries so it's nice to hear you immediately calm down the moment I pick you up. You just want to be loved and held and I'm happy to do that. :) "Oh Lyla" how we love you!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2 week checkup

The last 2 weeks have been so great!  You have been a perfect little angel and Eden is so happy to have you in our family and to be sharing our attention. You are a great eater and love to be in my arms.  In fact I rarely can set you down without you wanting some love from me! Eden kisses you everytime she see's you and does a little happy dance around you.  I love to see this and can't wait for you to be the best of friends.

You are so strong and can already hold your head up. You focus in on certain things and you looks so alert and strong.  You rarely cry and are quick to be consoled once you do cry.  We are enjoying every minute with you. Even our sleepless nights. :)

We took you to the Dr. yesterday and they were amazed by your growth.  It didn't surprise me, cause you seriously would eat all day if I let you.  I call you my little avatar cause you love to stay connected to me. :)  Here are your stats from the visit

Age: 2 weeks
Date: 8/2/13
weight: 7lbs 13oz (35%)
Length: 20.3" (50%)
Head Circ: 36.9cn (91%)

You are growing fast and steady and I kind of wish you would slow down! :)

You are here! 7/27/13

Friday July 26th I started having contractions and thought you were coming that Friday.. but by the afternoon the contractions had stopped and I was left a little disappointed.  Luckily they started up again that night and by morning we were timing them and knew it was time to go to the hospital. I called your aunt holly to come at 7am to watch Eden.

We loaded the car filled with excitement and headed to Timpanogos Hospital.  I was checked in and was already dilated to a 5 but my water still hadn't broke so the Dr. gave me epidural and broke my water and you were closer to being in my arms then I even knew.  By 1pm your dad was starting to get hungry and decided to go get lunch.  I sat up my bed and started feeling dizzy and felt sick when the nurse came in and she thought she should check my progress.  Sure enough I was at a 10 and you were on your way. I had to make a quick call to your dad and he was on his way.  By the time he got back to the hospital I was starting to push and you came 15 minutes later at 1:22pm. (ironically the same room # we were assigned to) A beautiful, tiny, sweet, gorgeous little girl with some serious lungs. :)  I snuggled you and talked to you for a few minutes to calm you down and you just looked up at me with a peaceful gaze. I was IN LOVE and a weeping mess. :)

I didn't want you out of my site.. I watched emotionally from my bed as they cleaned you up and got you back to my arms.  You cried while they measured you and took your stats and when dad would talk to you, it would calm you down almost instantly. The nurses were amazed! You loved the sound of your daddy's voice.  You weighed a tiny 6lbs 15oz and were 19" long.  A perfect size for a baby born a week early. :)

For the rest of the day we just snuggled and examined your every feature.  From your beautiful round head to your long skinny feet.  We quickly decided you were more like your dad and had my lips.  You have dads coloring, earlobes, nose, eyes and chin and possibly my lips, and feet and hands. You are a PERFECT combination of the two of us and uniquely all your own perfection. We knew you were Lyla Belle from the moment you were in our arms.  The nurses and Dr's all admired your beauty and commented on how perfect your name was.  You make us proud. :)

We stayed two nights in the hospital so that we could bond uninterrupted and it was the perfect few days. I loved having you in my arms and staring at you.  Your aunt holly brought Eden to come see you on your birthday and the following days.  Eden and Aunt Holly were in love Instantly.  Your grandma Marilyn also came and showered you with love.

I'm SOOO Happy to be your mom! <3

I love you baby girl! xoxoxo

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

34 weeks and counting

Hi sweet active baby girl.  You are moving around like crazy and I can feel you primarily on my right side... kicking, jabbing, and sometimes rolling over.  I can lay back and just watch you put on a show behind my belly wall.  It's so fun and yet so crazy because I feel like I don't have ANY control over my body anymore. I'm going to miss feeling you so often but I'm anxious to meet you and to hold you in my arms. 

I had my Dr appointment yesterday and Dr said you are still growing PERFECTLY.. right on time! He believes you are head down with your back along my left side and all your hands and feet along the right... bingo! Your heartbeat seems strong and steady and I couldn't ask for better news. I often wish there was a little window I could open and close to take a peak at you.. but I probably wouldn't get much else done. I am hoping you come about 2 weeks early like your sister.  If that is the case, I expect you to come in a little over a month.  Daddy won't let me believe this, but I continue to do so. I'm hopeful. :)

I Love you baby girl

4D ultrasound at 30 weeks

At almost 30 weeks we went and got a 3D ultrasound of you. It was so fun to get a glimpse of what you look like. Like Eden, you were a bit camera shy and hid behind both hands and FEET. You seem a little cramped in there but we were able to see a few good angles of your beautiful face.  The technician thinks you may come even earlier July 27th based on your measurements and he suspects you to have my full lips.  He could tell Eden had full cheeks so we trust his eye.  You are perfect and growing so healthy and strong.  We are so excited to hold you and to give you countless kisses and loves.  Eden is calling you baby Lyla and for now, we have agreed this to be your name.  You are loved so much already and the wait sometimes feels impossible.  I'm looking forward to so many things once you get here. I imagine you snuggled up on my chest sleeping peacefully, hearing your little squeaks and moans while you sleep, waking up with you in the middle of the night and sharing that special time together, I imagine you a little older and playing with Eden, I look forward to seeing you sisters fall deeper in love and becoming the best of friends.  I know you are the best gift we can give to Eden and I know she will be the best big sister to you.  I can't wait to include your special little spirit into our ever changing family.  I love you baby Lyla

With love

I'll post pictures of your ultrasound when my computer decides to let me into Iphoto.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Half way there! (21weeks)

Today was your 20wk ultra sound. Everything looked like it was developing perfectly.  She measured your heart, brain, limbs and body and it looks like you may come to us a few weeks early. :) I am now planning on the end of July to meet you! We loved seeing you through the ultrasound and you were very active and had the cutest little profile. We are so excited and it is becoming more and more real.  Eden is going to be such a great big sister.  She already talks about you and wants to give you loves and hugs through my belly.  We still have not decided on a name and hope we will know when you are born.  Our top 4 are:
Lyla Belle
Elle Wynn
Elia Belle
Isla Belle
I like these and think they are beautiful, but I am starting to feel like your name is still waiting to be discovered.  So the search continues.
Mommy with a 20wk Fetus! :) 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Double the pleasure..

THe more I'm thinking of having another little girl, the more excited I am getting.  Eden is very well aware that you are now in my belly.  Now the size of a avocado! Yum!  She often pats my belly and says baby and tries to lift up my shirt to see the belly/baby and kisses it.  She melts my heart with the love she already has for you.

I am looking forward to you coming and feeling the love from ALL of us.  Daddy has already starting referring to his 3 girls and I'm looking forward to all our girl time. Eden is going to be a great big sister and you are going to be a very lucky little sister! I ordered matching outfits for you  and I can't wait to start taking some pictures of my beautiful daughters! I also couldn't help myself the other day and had to buy about 10 newborn outfits. They looked so small and picturing you in them cuddled on my chest made me very excited. We are almost half way there! Yay! :) 24 more weeks to go...

You are now able to hear us, so expect daddy to do a lot of talking to you. I might also chime in. :) BEWARE!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sugar & Spice & everything nice..

..that's what little girls are made of.   That's right.. you are another beautiful little girl. We are so excited that you and Eden will be so close and be the best of friends.  We assumed that I was 14weeks pregnant but after the ultra sound, they think you are about 2weeks further then we thought. The same thing happened with Eden. This means you might be a July baby!  YAY! :)

We loved watching you moving inside my tummy.  You have cute little hands and cute little toes and daddy thinks you will join Eden and I with our same nose. :) I'm so excited to hold you, but it was so nice to see you and to know what to prepare for. We now need to come up with a name. Sorry.. but we had only agreed on a boy name. Now we have to find something we both will love as much as you.

Here are a few of the new names we came across this morning in our search.
Nyah Belle
Shae Belle
Lucy Belle
Liliana Belle

Your dad has now come around to the idea of Eliza Belle and slowly but surely Esme Belle so those are in the running too. :) For now we will call you our sweet little girl.

Friday, February 8, 2013

12 week belly

Tired and in Pain

Hi little one.
I thought this pregnancy would go by faster then it did with Eden, but these last two weeks have been going by so slow. I'm anxious to see if you will be a boy or a girl and the wait is killing me. :)

I've been trying to keep busy with Eden. To be honest I have no choice. She is a busy little body. It has oddly been much harder on my body and I feel like I'm gaining more weight. I keep having thoughts that I'm having twins, although neither family has a history of twins. I'm just being hopeful and trying to make an explanation for my weight gain and body aches.  I hope we can see you in just a few more days.. I'm excited to start preparing for you and to have a name to call you.

I have a Dr. Appointment on Tuesday and hopefully they have a good report card. Maybe.... just maybe... they will give me a sneak peak! :)


Friday, February 1, 2013

Baby, lets talk gender..

We have two long weeks until the very earliest that we can find out what you are.  I hope to find out on Valentines day. Wouldn't that be a great and memorable way to celebrated the day of love.  I would love you to be a girl or a boy. One of each would be very nice but it would also be very nice to have a little girl. I know what to expect. :) Daddy and I have not yet agreed on many names only one really.
Here is a list of Boy Names I like.
We have agreed your middle name will be Reed after your Grandpa Simkins
Ezra Michael Reed
Grant (After your Late Great Grandpa Riggs) This was a continder with Eden
We love the Idea of you and Eden starting with E and being 4 letters.  Plus Ezra Reed Southworth Sounds good. :)

Girl Names are a little tougher. We actually haven't agreed on a single one. Although we have agreed that the middle name will be Belle after your great grandma Southworth
Fiona Belle is my favorite.. I even like it shortened to Fi-B (Phoebe)
Adele is Beautiful too but Adele Belle could be either really cute or a target for songs and teasing
Here are a few Name options before we picked Eden Grace
We even considered... get ready.....
Elle Wynn Your dads middle name is Elwin and I didn't want to use it for a boys middle name but it has been a name in your daddies family for a long time... so I played with it a little. :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sweet moments with BIG SIS

I was sharing with Eden that mama had a baby in her belly. I was laying on the floor with my knees up and Eden squeezed between my knees and laid on my belly.

Me: (Hand on belly) "Mama has a baby in her belly"
Eden: Pats gently and lays on it and says "awwww... baby" lifted her head and laid back down and repeated this 5-6 more times <3 so soft and so sweet!
Me: laid back watching my sweet little girl embrace our new baby!

She is very excited for you to come too. She is going to be a great big sister!

The sweet beat of your heart

On January 15th your whole family heard your little heart beat. Its so hard to believe you are 10weeks along and you have a beautiful beating heart. We were so happy to hear it and Eden came with us and was a little fussy until we said "shhhh listen, its babies heart" She sat quietly and listened and then gave a gentle smile. I think she understands a lot more then we think she does and she is very excited about you coming. I had to return to the Dr. two days later and got to hear that sweet little beat again. I could listen to it forever. I am so excited to have you join our family.

3 Cheers for 2 Lines

On December 5th we found out the exciting news that we were expecting you. I had some suspicions that you were coming but I hadn't mentioned it to your dad. I bought a pregnancy test while I was out and I couldn't wait until the morning to take it.  I was up all night.. and by 3am I couldn't wait any longer and my suspicions were true. I got the double line! HOORAY!!

When I got back to bed daddy asked if I was okay and I shared the news. He was excited too. He even got a little misty eyed. (No surprise there) :) He's a sensitive guy. :)

I assumed I was about 4 weeks along at that point, which means that you were the size of a poppy seed!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blueberry Surprise!

You are about 8wks along and the size of a blueberry. We decided while we had family staying with us, that we would share our exciting news in person. They were all very excited!!! My family received texts and Daddy's family was told in person on December 27th. They were all very excited for us and Eden helped share the news. I'll post pictures of her announcing with a "BIG SIS" shirt later. We are very excited for you and we can't wait to meet you.