Monday, December 30, 2013

4Month Recap

Little Miss Lyla Belle we are falling more & more in love with you as time goes on.  You are such a happy little girl and you share your smile with everyone who looks at you.  Your eyes twinkle and that smile of yours takes up your whole face. It's one of the prettiest smiles we have ever seen.

You are good at making sure we show you lots of love.  Your sister Eden requires a lot of attention and you make sure you aren't forgotten.  We love your firey spirit and your desire to be close to us.  You love your sister just as much as she loves you.  You smile when she comes in the room and you quickly laugh at her silliness.  Her love for you overwhelms her (like it does all of us) and she wants to crawl under your skin to absorb you and can seem a little aggressive and overwhelming, but you handle it well and love the attention she gives.

Life with you has been such a blessing and even the hard times like your sleep schedule is quickly forgotten when you smile. You love to wake up early usually between 3-5AM and you are wide awake and ready to play. Always greeting us with a smile and singing loudly.  You really are going to  be our lead singer. You love testing out your vocals even if it's in the middle of the night.  *yawn* You cry only when we leave you alone or you are tired and hungry. You also dislike having a messy diaper and we can usually figure out what has made you upset and once we do, you are so pleasant and happy.

You are healthy and beautiful and loved by all of us.  Your 4month appointment was a success and here is your report.

Age: 4 months
Date: 12/6/13
Weight: 15lbs (60%)
Length: 25" (63%)
Head Circ: 43.2cm (96%)

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