Monday, September 2, 2013

"Oh Lyla"

 It is so fun to have you part of our family and we are enjoying you so much. You are close to being 6 weeks old and it seems like it has gone by so incredibly fast.  You are growing like crazy and seem to be in a hurry to grow up and to play with your big sister.  As much as I can't wait to watch that, I am trying to enjoy these moments that go by WAY to quick.

You like to sleep with M&D and although it is scary for you to be in our bed, I sleep very lightly to ensure you are safe and sleeping soundly.  We try to put you in your bed early, and you will sleep 5-6 hours before waking up and joining us in our bed. I love hearing your little noises as you sleep.

You have started smiling.. Mostly at daddy but today I got a big one and it made me very happy.  You have a BEAUTIFUL smile.  It's big and lights up your whole face.  I'm dying to get it on camera. 

You are the cuddly baby I always wanted. You love having contact with me (us).  You need to be touched and like the feeling of security.  Although this was what I always wanted, it makes it hard to also give Eden the time and attention she needs.  While I cuddle & Feed you, she is busy testing her boundaries and unfortunately getting a blurred response from me.  We are going to have to revisit those boundaries when I have both hands available and when you are content with being set down to play by yourself.  You don't like it when I set you down and fall into a hard cry pretty quickly.. when this happens Eden always says "Oh Lyla" and wants to make you happy with kisses.  I don't like to hear your cries so it's nice to hear you immediately calm down the moment I pick you up. You just want to be loved and held and I'm happy to do that. :) "Oh Lyla" how we love you!

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